Monday, May 18, 2009

Spring Updates

Although I am glad that Winter is over, this Spring has not been the best of times either. Last week I attended the funeral services for my cousin Tom Conley, who was only three years older than me. We used to have a lot of fun at Indian Lake in our younger days and I will miss the good natured teasing that we shared.
This week someone broke into my garden shed and stole a five gallon can of gas and damaged the shed door. I am still uneasy that someone could do so while I was asleep in the house at the time.
Healthwise I have been suffering some sort of coughing and sneezing that seems to be aggravated by stress. I am trying to adjust to a Diabetic diet in addition to my Cholesterol diet, and that is very hard for me.
Enough grumping! I did get to eat at the Der Dutchman in Plain City, Ohio last week and enjoyed the food there, not to mention the goodies from their bakery.
We had a nice dinner at my Mother-In-Law's for Mother's Day, and another nice dinner at Texas Roadhouse for Vickie's Mother's Day Meal. Vickie's Mom gave me a self-propelled lawn mower which makes mowing my hills a little easier.

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